The past few months I've been on a project kick. Actually, let me correct that by saying I always have projects strewn about the house, but with Christmas approaching I was busy sewing. I've been on this quilting kick made 4 fairly large quilts for gifts this Christmas. I love picking out the fabrics and seeing how the pattern comes together. I still have much to learn about quilting, but I was surprised at how they turned out. The problem with this hobby is that it's expensive. Not to mention I keep acquiring more patterns and fabrics to make quilts, but have not sat down to actually work on them much at all this month. With some inspration and nudging from a friend I am thinking about starting a small business with an idea I have...I'll let you know if it becomes a reality.
Another project was on Halloween Day (I know that was months ago, since it's an update you get some old news.) Cody and I decided we needed to restain our front door before snowfall came. A project that Cody thought could be done in a couple of hours took a couple of they always do. Our door had weather damage and when we sanded it I don't think we got the varnish off thoroughly so in some places the door soaked the stain right up and in other places it hardly absorbed. Long story short I decided to antiuque the door and I was totally surpised and please with how it turned out. I also finally made my fall nut wreath (pictured on the door). No worries, I've only had the bag of nuts stored in my project tub for like 3 seasons now, alas it's done.

happy you are keeping your blog alive! I do love all your projects and you inspire me to be more craft oriented! Good work Nat.
I love your quilts Nat! Wow, you're amazing for a first time quilter. I love all of your projects... great job on the wreath and the door.
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