Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Winter days

Sohpia and I made our first snowman this past January. She wasn't quite sure what to think about her puffy snowsuit and each time she fell she lay there helpless. Take note of the picture of Sohpia helping place the sunglasses on Frosty - acutally she was really upset that her sunglasses were on this wierd looking mass of snow and was trying to get them off.

My mom made Sophia and I aprons for Christmas - she my best helper in the kitchen unloading the silverware form the dishwasher. Inspecting all drawers and cupboards and my best assistant up on the kitchen counter.
Our neighbor gave this tricycle to us and Sophia thinks it's fantastic. Each time she spots it in the garage on our way the car she becomes excited and has a mini melt-down that she has to get in her car seat instead of riding her bike. I kept trying to move it to an inconspicuous place, but with no success. Recently, we brought it down to the basement for easy access during the winter months. She also has her swing, that hung on the deck last summer, hanging in the basement and likes to have a daily swing.
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