The last few weekends Cody and I have seen movies and each time we come out of the theatre crying and then crying some more during the car ride home as thoughts of gratitude for each other, Sophia and our family come to mind. We've really got to start seeing more comedies! But in actuality, I really enjoy a good cry in a movie. I like coming away with renewed appreciation for the people, not things, in our lives.
Sophia is changing so quickly and her little spit-fire personality is just bursting through. She enjoys pointing to each side of her, whether on the floor or couch, and making an insistent noise with closed lips for Cody and I to sit beside her. She also likes to bring out her favorite toys of the day and arrange them on our laps and arms wherever we may be sitting. If we try to place the toys beside us, she scurries over and puts them back on our legs or in our arms. She loves to run to each place she is going rather than walk and her current spoken vocabuarly (she likes to do baby signing) includes: duck, truck, stuck, pop, boo!, bonk, mom, dad, and papa (Dad take note), and a variety of animal noises. We've decided she shouldn't learn too many more "uck" words before she'll be cussing like a sailor.
She is pure delight!